
A blue filter photo of a young girl, playing the recorder, with other younger students performing other instruments in the background.
Everyone should be given the chance to engage with live music making, to participate, to learn and to build bonds through creativity and shared experiences. Early experience of musical interaction lays the foundation for a life of creativity and passion for the arts.

Through the RCM's unique learning and participation programmes we frequently witness first hand the transformative power of music within people's lives. From birth, infants and their families get involved with music through RCM Mini Sparks, led by trained practitioners and supported by RCM students. Children as young as eight years old flourish in the RCM Junior Department, in a supportive community of similarly talented students and the very best teachers.

Sparks of inspiration

Our inclusive RCM Sparks programme encourages people of all ages and backgrounds to make and learn about music. In 2016-17 RCM Sparks ignited creativity in more than 3,000 members of the community and trained over 180 RCM students to lead inspiring community workshops.

As well as our work with children, current and past RCM Sparks projects include:

  • Bespoke music training for primary and secondary school staff in areas identified as ‘cold spots’ for music education, giving the confidence needed to use live music making in the classroom
  • Workshops to enhance wellbeing in older adults through creative music making
  • Arts groups for young adults on the autistic spectrum

Junior Department bursaries

Every Saturday, 400 highly talented students up to the age of 18 attend the Royal College of Music Junior Department (RCMJD). Many travel for hours each weekend to receive one-to-one tuition with highly regarded teachers. For those who cannot afford the fees, there a number of bursaries are available.

Financial difficulties should not prevent any child from attending the RCM. Bursaries for children are an effective, means-tested way of enhancing access to the RCM and nurturing early potential.

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If you would like further information about the More Music Campaign please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

More Music Campaign

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+44 (0)20 7591 4750

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