
RCM double bassist in an orchestral rehearsal
We are committed to attracting and nurturing exceptional musicians from across the globe by removing financial concerns through our scholarship programme.

For many, a scholarship makes the dream of studying at the RCM a reality. More than 50% of current students receive some financial support, thanks to the generosity of individuals, legators, companies and charitable trusts. Your support will provide vital funding to our aspiring young musicians, regardless of their background.

Our impact: training the musicians of the future

We strive to give students a learning experience that unlocks their potential and prepares them for life after study, nurturing their personal development in order to meet the demands of the music profession. The unique resource of our pioneering Creative Careers Centre provides an unparalleled career support service. RCM students and graduates enjoy success in major competitions around the globe and go on to pursue a wide range of careers paths in some of the most prestigious ensembles, venues, educational institutions and opera companies.

The RCM is dedicated to preparing our students for the world after graduation. Our Creative Careers Centre gives graduates and students access to a wealth of job opportunities as well as offering support and careers advice.

Ways to support our scholarship programme

Make a donation

Support our most talented young musicians through the RCM Scholarships Fund.


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Named scholarships

In acknowledgement of a gift of £10,000 or more, we are pleased to offer a named scholarship in your own name or the name of someone you would like to honour. A donation of £26,000 or more would cover an international full-fees named scholarship for the majority of our programmes. We take great pride in matching named scholarship supporters to the most suitable individual scholars. In recognition of your support, you will be invited to follow your scholar’s journey, attend their performances and other special events, and sent an annual impact report. You will also be acknowledged in your scholar’s biography and in RCM publications, unless you wish to remain anonymous.

Endowed scholarships

Endowing a scholarship at the RCM creates a lasting legacy and can be established with a gift of £300,000 or more. Scholarships will receive a name of your choosing and are endowed in perpetuity.

How scholarships are awarded

Every student who auditions for a place on one of the RCM's performance or composition courses will be considered for a scholarship or study award. Composers who audition by video interview will also be considered.

Eligibility for scholarships is based on merit, which is determined by performance at audition or the strength of portfolio and interview for composers.

Get in touch

For more information on the RCM Scholarships Fund and how you can support students through their studies, please contact our Development Manager (Philanthropy).

Alice Edwards

Development Manager (Philanthropy)

0207 591 4371


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