The Royal College of Music awards several fellowships, which are offered competitively to experienced musicians who aspire to take their performing careers further. They provide talented artists with the means and time to refine their artistic skills and to gain experience, confidence and connections that will help them establish themselves professionally.
All of our awards allow fellows to establish new professional contacts while continuing their development with appropriate guidance.
2025-26 Applications
Fellowship applications for 2025-26 have now closed. Please check back in early 2026 for details on 2026-27 applications.
The majority of our fellows do not hold student status. They are generally considered junior colleagues by faculty members, with the autonomy and self-regulation this implies. We offer the following fellowships with non-student status:
Collaborative Piano Fellowships
Lord & Lady Lurgan Collaborative Piano Fellowship
Gilbert & Eileen Edgar and Anthony Saltmarsh Collaborative Piano Fellowship
Adami Award for Collaborative Piano Fellows
Other fellowships
Fellowship in Historical Keyboards
RCM String Quartet Fellowship
Junior fellowships for Artist Diploma in Performance and Artist Diploma in Composition students
We also offer two junior fellowships, which are only available to students on the Artist Diploma in Performance and Artist Diploma in Composition programmes. As such, all junior fellows are registered students at the RCM. Please note that these fellowships are open to UK Students only.
We offer the following junior fellowships:
Mills Williams Junior Fellowship
Constant & Kit Lambert Junior Fellowship
Carne Junior Fellowship (We are no longer accepting Carne Junior Fellowship applications for 2025–26.)