If you have any questions about studying at the RCM Junior Department at the RCM, please contact us.
Head of Junior Programmes
Miranda Francis
Operations Manager
Gill Redfern
Performance Manager
John Mitchell
Administrative Coordinator
Before contacting us about admissions please ensure that you have read all the information available on this website and downloaded and read our information brochure (prospectus).
The RCM Junior Department programme runs on Saturdays during term-times only, and our students are enrolled via our entrance auditions process in March/April each year (see Applying to RCMJD | Royal College of Music) for further details).
If you are looking for vacation courses/workshops, you may be interested in activities run by RCM Sparks, the College’s learning and participation programme – please see Sparks events | Royal College of Music (rcm.ac.uk) for more information.